Malicious mischief meaning
Malicious mischief meaning

malicious mischief meaning

2022 Resources that should be devoted to ensuring the smooth execution of November’s balloting are instead being diverted to respond to malicious mischief.

malicious mischief meaning

2022 McLaurin was charged with malicious mischief, Houston said. Ron Kroichick, San Francisco Chronicle, 15 July 2021 Murray was booked at the Clark County jail on accusations of second-degree burglary, third-degree theft, second-degree malicious mischief and first-degree arson.

malicious mischief meaning

CBS News, 16 July 2021 Sherman, who spent the past three seasons with the 49ers and is vice president of the NFL Players Association executive committee, is in custody at the King County Correctional Facility in Seattle, facing charges of burglary domestic violence, resisting arrest and malicious mischief. Scooby Axson, USA TODAY, 15 July 2021 Sherman, who was released from jail Thursday, had a court arraignment scheduled Friday on five criminal charges: driving under the influence of alcohol, reckless endangerment of road workers, criminal trespassing, resisting arrest and malicious mischief. Recent Examples on the Web Sherman will have to return to court Friday morning for a hearing on four pending charges: misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor crimes of second degree criminal trespass and third degree malicious mischief (with domestic violence designations), DUI, and resisting arrest.

Malicious mischief meaning